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Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

1Additional benefit for customers holding Senior Citizens Account.

DescriptionSum Insured
Accidental Hospitalisation Cover (Reimbursement Cover)Rs.50,000/- p.a
Accidental Hospital Cash (One claim per year)Rs.500/- per day for a maximum of 15 days per year

Currently the policy is with HDFC ERGO Insurance Company Limited.

The following are the broad Terms & Conditions of the captioned cover:

2Accidental Hospitalisation Cover:
  1. This cover is extended only to the first holder of the Senior Citizens Account.
  2. This is a Reimbursement cover valid only in India.
  3. If the cardholder is hospitalized for a minimum period of 24 hrs on the advice of a doctor because of accidental bodily injury sustained during the policy period, than the insurance company will reimburse, reasonable and customary medical expenses incurred upto a maximum sum insured.
  4. This includes the reasonable charges incurred on the advice of a doctor as an inpatient in a hospital for accommodation, nursing care, the attention of medically qualified staff, undergoing medically necessary procedures and medical consumables.
  5. For the claim to be accepted & processed, the cardholder should have carried out at least 1 purchase (point of sale) transaction at a merchant establishment using the Debit Card, in the previous 6 months before the accident. A purchase transaction performed before the date of hospitalization - in the same month (as the month of the accident) will also be valid.
  6. This cover is applicable for resident individuals only. It will not be applicable to Non-individual entities.
3Accidental Hospital Cash :
  1. It provides cash benefit for each completed day of hospitalisation, payable once a year @Rs.500 per day for a maximum of 15 days per year. 'Day' for this purpose shall be every completed (24 hours) of hospitalisation.
4Claim Procedure :
  1. In the event of accidental hospitalisation of the cardholder, the claimant / claimant's representative to approach the account branch, and the branch would guide the customer on the documents required. On the receipt of these documents by the branch, as special gesture for our debit card holders, HDFC bank would liaise with the insurance company for processing the claim. However, receipt of the documents by the branch does not construe acceptance of claim. In the event of accidental hospitalisation, the claimant has to inform the account branch immediately. As per policy the insurance company needs to be informed ( through the bank) within 30 days of accident.
5  Disclaimer :
  1. Insurance is the subject matter of solicitation and HDFC Bank is not responsible for any compensation or processing of claims or for any reason whatsoever.